Seminar by Bharatiya Vichar Manch

On June 8, 2024, S.D. Jain Modern School Wing-2 organized a seminar in the AV room from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., presented by Bharatiya Vichar Manch on the theme
“Indian Perspectives on Contemporary Lifestyle.” Dr. Arvind Singh Panwar, the resource person, initiated the seminar with an activity focused on enhancing concentration and health. He highlighted the negative impact of modern lifestyle on health and emphasized the importance of balance in life. A motivational video demonstrated the power of will in regaining lost health. Dr. Panwar also provided practical health tips and discussed the significance of Indian Yoga.
Subsequently, Dr. Medhaben Patel shared insights on Indian Ayurveda, further enriching the seminar. The event was well-received and appreciated by all the attendees.
The seminar concluded with expressions of gratitude from the Chairman, Principal and Headmistress, acknowledging the enlightening session.

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