Veer Gatha Edition 3.0

In a remarkable display of creativity and patriotism, students from Wing-2 of S.D.Jain Modern School embarked on a mission to bring the stories of gallant soldiers to life for the academic year 2023-24. This noble initiative was in line with the CBSE’s call to disseminate tales of valor and bravery.

Young minds from grades 3 and 4 eagerly participated in two captivating categories: paragraph writing and painting. The themes for these categories were carefully chosen to encompass the essence of courage and sacrifice. One theme centered around “My role model who is a Gallantry award winner,” while the other had a touch of history as “Rani Lakshmi Bai came into my dream, wanting to serve our nation.”

Chairman Kailash Ji Jain, Principal Chetan Dalwala, and Headmistress Dr. Reshma Julka, were visibly impressed by the ingenuity displayed by these young participants.

The project instilled in these young minds a deep sense of responsibility towards our nation. They realized that bravery and sacrifice are not just stories from the past but values that should be upheld and cherished in the present.


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