Our Vision and Commitment to Education
I firmly believe that education should transform our students under our care, who in turn can make a difference in society and the world. We value the development of moral character, self-esteem, and a sense of responsibility, besides endeavoring for academic and leadership qualities in our students. Events and conditions in the region and around the globe have converged in such a way as to make it clear that not only do we need a school with S D Jain mission and values, but also that we have greater opportunities than ever before to make this school a school of our dreams. While gazing at the panoramic vistas surrounding the school, our focus is drawn back to the task at hand-educating the students in the classrooms, on the playfield, and in every co-curricular activity. That is what precisely the school has been doing for the last eleven years, ever since its inception, for the physical, mental, moral, emotional, and aesthetic growth of the students. This is even reflected through repeated excellent Board Exam Results of CBSE class ten and twelve.