(A Trusted name in the field of Education)

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi | Affiliation No: 430048


(A Trusted name in the field of Education)
Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi | Affiliation No: 430048

Poshan Maah Campaign

Poshan Maah Campaign

Primary Wing

S. D. Jain Modern School Primary Wing organized the Poshan Maah Campaign in line with CBSE recommendations, reflecting the vision of the Hon’ble Prime Minister to promotes nutrition awareness and drives action towards building a healthier India. The event aimed to instill awareness about healthy eating habits and overall well-being in children focusing on “Poshan bhi Padhai bhi”.

To mark Poshan Maah, several theme-based activities were conducted in the school. Students participated in a Poshan Maah Pledge, committing to adopt nutritious diets, avoid junk food, promote healthy habits and stay hydrated. Engaging group discussions and debates on the topic “Let’s Talk About Anaemia” were held to encourage awareness of the condition. Students also planted saplings at school and home, shared their selfies on social media to highlight sustainable practices. An essay-writing competition on “Shree Anna: The Powerhouse of Nutrients” encouraged students to explore the importance of balanced diet.

The School Management, Principal and Headmistress praised the students for their enthusiastic participation and efforts in promoting the spirit of health and wellness.